
Chongqing News

Freezing scorching love under scorching sun

2018-07-03 09:59:43

Miss Li and her husband getting into character under guidance of photographer.

Mr. Bai and his wife focusing on photographing, forgetting the severe heat.

Mr. Huo and Miss Wang demonstrating their deep love in heat wave.

Photographer lying on the ground to select the right angle.

Assistant refining make-up for bride continuously.

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Lately at 2 p.m. in Jingbeizui Central Park, although trees made a pleasant shade, tourists were rare due to scorching heat, only several couples of newlyweds were seen taking wedding photographs there. Some of them were already married, and they wanted to keep their promises they ever made. Others were to be married, and they wanted to have a sense of ritual before marriage. Thus shirts, waistcoats, suits, leather shoes, wedding dresses and high heels can be seen everywhere under the scorching sun. Perspiration came down like raindrops, but all the loving birds wanted to freeze their deep love under the scorching sun.

An assistant for photographer threw long veil holding by bride into the air when there was a breeze in Jingbeizui Central Park. The groom kissed the bride on the forehead, and photographer froze this splendid moment at once. After taking off suit, the groom picked up soda on the ground and asked his wife to take it. Mr. Bai, the groom, said they were alreay married for several years, he failed to give his wife what she wanted before, and he was determined to keep his promise when life is getting better.

Another couple appeared soon. Miss Li, the birde said taking wedding photos could give them a necessary sense of ritual before wedding. They hardly had time to take photos due to busy work, and a scorching day came right away surprisingly. The groom joked about the weather, and said they would take many challenges after getting married, and this scorching heat is just a piece of cake.

The photographing was not started after 3 p.m. Mr. Huo, the groom drank a bottle of Huoxiangzhengqishui, and handed another bottle over to his bride, Miss Wang. Miss Wang did not like the flavor, and her groom asked her to drink more water. The effusive fondness between love birds were obvious. Miss Wang told the reporter that they got to know each other through blind date, they have already obtained marrige certificate and planned to have wedding ceremony by the end of the year. They thought taking wedding photos is an indispensable ritual, and shoud be taking seriously. (Translated by Qiu Shasha, Fathom Language Limited)


Editor:Jiang Yiwei