
Chongqing News

To ride a horse! These grasslands in Chongqing are beautiful and cool

2018-07-05 10:00:02

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Summer is the most beautiful season in grasslands during a year, because the air is good, vegetation coverage is high, and most importantly, the air is cool. There are some unknown grasslands hidden in deep mountains in Chongqing, while the beautiful scenery is enough to shock the soul.

Wuxi Daguan Mountain Grassland 巫溪·大官山草场

If you are looking for a natural paradise to return to nature, Wuxi Daguan Mountain is your best choice. There are few people in this area. The primitive state as well as the ancient trees and vast grasslands are everywhere. If you want to escape from the crowd and return to the fields, here with dense primitive forests and vast mountain meadow is definitely a good choice.

Chengkou Jiuchong Mountain Wolong Grassland 城口·九重山卧龙草场

Jiuchong Mountain nestles in the Daba Mountains. There are flowers and grass everywhere in the grassland. The scenery is vast and boundless and natural entertainment is full of vigor. Here, the sky is blue and grass is green. You can ride and spur the horse to run in the grass. In addition, the Jiuchong Mountain also has a magnificent waterfall, an icy mountain cave, and tourists can see the sunrise and appreciate the strange moist.

Kaizhou Xuebao Mountain Grassland 开州·雪宝山草场

The Xuebao Mountain has about 150000 mu of the most primitive and perfect sub-alpine meadow, which is primitive, simple and rough. Tourists can enjoy both the majestic mountains and enjoy the scenery of the grassland, riding on horseback.

Wushan Congping Grassland 巫山·葱坪草场

The Congping Grassland is named after the wild onion in spring, while the best season to visit is in July and August. The grassland is the primary sub-alpine meadow with few people to visit, and it is also the most well preserved alpine wetland grassland in Chongqing. It is not uncommon to say that Congping is the last alpine wetland in Chongqing. In the sub-alpine region of Karst, it is rare that there are a large area of wetland and lakes in depression.

Youyang Changpu Prairie 酉阳·菖蒲大草原

It is known as the “Chuanxi Prairie in Chongqing”. Standing in the prairie, the tourists feel like in northern-frontier, fully understand the meaning of “cows and sheep are seen on grasslands if wind blows”.

(Translated by Xu Pengfei, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei