
Chongqing News

Chongqing Science and Technology Museum carried out science education for poor students & teachers

2018-07-09 10:07:56

Science and technology counselor at the Chongqing Science and Technology Museum gave a lecture on science and technology for rural primary and secondary school teachers from all over the country. (Photo provided by Chongqing Science and Technology Museum)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, more than 50 poor students from Youyang County, Chongqing, walked into the Chongqing Science and Technology Museum and saw that a ball was suspended in the air under the influence of a blower, which was both fun and magical. It is reported that this is only a microcosm of the Chongqing Science and Technology Museum's practice of poverty alleviation in science and technology education. In addition to letting children come here to feel the amazement of science and technology, they also provide science popularization training for rural primary and secondary school teachers from poor mountainous areas across the country, so that they can bring scientific knowledge back to the local children.

On the day of the event, following the science and technology counselor, children visited the temporary exhibition and permanent exhibition hall of the Chongqing Science and Technology Museum. In the exhibition hall, they showed great interest in the “Ocean Elf-Jellyfish” exhibition, and they rushed to ask the technology counselors for knowledge about jellyfish. In the permanent exhibition hall, the children experienced the exhibits of hydrogen emission, Bernoulli blowers and other simulations, and simulated the fire escape scene. Finally, they watched XD and 4D popular science movies. During the visit, the children were full of emotions and were very excited.

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Editor:Jiang Yiwei