
Chongqing News

The healthy choice of porridge in summertime

2018-07-09 10:35:18

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Highly oily and spicy food is not suitable for summer. At this time, you can drink some bland porridge to soothe your stomach. Today, we compiled several delicious and nutritious porridge restaurants in Chongqing. Let's take a look.

Picture from VCG

Yuzhoufang Porridge 御粥坊

The dishes are relatively light and healthy, the porridge has a variety of types, and prepared thick, and the crunchy pizza inside is delicious. The Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil is quite large. There are also many cucumber slices. It is very tasty. The fish slices are very tender and the spicy taste is just right.

Address: F3, Fortune Mall, 1 Honghu East Road, Yubei District

Average consumption: 69 yuan

Shezhijing Health Porridge 舌之景养生粥

Service in this restaurant is excellent, waiters and waitress always take the initiative to ask the guests' needs, the amount of food is moderate, and the porridge is fragrant. It feels comfortable enjoying such porridge and it is good for health. They strongly recommend their Aloe Vera Beauty Porridge, which is slightly sweet and does not lose the scent of porridge. It is very warm and delicious.

Address: L5, MIXC, 51 Xiejiawan Center Street, Xiejiawan Sub-district, Jiulongpo District

Average consumption: 58 yuan

Shangpin Porridge 尚品粥坊

The store's feature cuisine is Shrimp and Crab Porridge, the fragrance of which is fresh and it tastes tender, and the serving size is sufficient. The porridge is also very thick, and the taste is very good. There are many kinds of side dishes at the restaurant which can be ordered according to your own preferences, and they are all very tasty.

Address: F5, Yingli International Plaza, 19 Daping Center Street, Yuzhong District

Average Consumption: 58 yuan

Yipin Zhoudao Porridge 逸品粥道

The shrimp inside the seafood porridge is very fresh, and it is especially big in size. The porridge is heavily-cooked, as a result it tastes delicate, tender, and easy to chew. Fried dumplings stuffed with leeks are delicious, the shape of the dumplings is very good, and the folds are also very neat. It makes a wonderful pair with the porridge.

Address: F5, Longfor Paradise Walk, 174 Shiyou Road, Yuzhong District

Average Consumption: 66 yuan

Royalty’s Kitchen Porridge 朕之味

The porridge of this restaurant tastes very good. Devouring much of spicy and hot dishes, it is also a good choice to have some light porridge from time to time. It’s recommended Preserved Egg Lean Meat Porridge, Wild Mushroom Porridge and Millet Porridge. Of course, not only porridge, but also a variety of Hong Kong-style steamed, hot and cold dishes are served here, too.

Address: F3, North Paradise Walk, Jiangbei District

Average: 73 yuan

So, with such many porridge restaurants introduced, which one are you picking for the today’s dinner? (Translated by Yang Lifu, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei