
Chongqing News

A map helping you learning about folk literature in Chongqing

2018-08-17 10:22:21

Qijiang - The Legend of Wu Yaogu 黔江吴幺姑传说

The Legend of Wu Yaogu is a folk poetry of Tujia. It is circulated in the Tujia inhabited area in Hunan and Chongqing. It is called the “Qijiang version of Peacock Flying Southeast”. It is a narrative poem that truly interprets a mourning, moving and breathtaking love tragedy. Wu Yaogu and Yang Erge were in love with each other. Unexpectedly, the local magistrate forcibly married Wu Yaogu, so Wu and Yang rushed to death for love. The unpretentious language of poetry expresses the choices of love and life of ethnic minority in the Wuling Mountains and has produced an ever-lasting charm.

Zhongxian County – Legend of Shibaozhai 忠县石宝寨传说

The legend of Shibaozhai was born with the construction of Shibaozhai and has been circulating for hundreds of years. The legend is rich in content. So far, there have been more than 50 legends about the Shibaozhai. It mainly includes the customs, historical allusions, celebrity anecdotes, and rural life. It has a rich magical and romantic accent and uses a provincial style of language. In the old days, folk storytellers exchanged many legends in the teahouse, so that the legend of Shibaozhai was rapidly developed and widely spread.

Jiulongpo – Folklore in Zouma Town 九龙坡走马民间故事

In the past, Zouma Town is an important station on the ancient road connecting Chengdu and Chongqing. The guests who come and go are here to rest and exchange the stories of the journey. Over time, the stories from folk songs, unofficial history, and explanatory legends are passed down from generation to generation. Nowadays, there are rich folk songs with rich types, unique contents and unique features in Zouma Town.

Shizhu – Drinkers' Wager Game 石柱酒令

The Shizhu Drinker’s Wager Game is the "lobbyist's word" on the banquet. In Shizhu there had a group people who persuade others to drink. Whenever important events such as marriage or death take place in a family, these people show their eloquence talents. The purpose is to persuade the guests to drink the wine. The Shizhu Drinker’s Wager Game has many forms, such as five characters and eight sentences, four characters and eight sentences, and is concise yet rich in content. Although most of them are improvisations, rhythm is also considered. They read catchy and have a strong flavor of life. (Translated by Yang Lifu, Fathom Language Limited)

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Editor:Jiang Yiwei