An alpaca loving to eat chili powder becomes hot
A short video of a Chongqing alpaca eating chili powder has become a hit on the Internet.

An alpaca loving to eat chili powder becomes hot


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, a short video of a Chongqing alpaca eating chili powder has become a hit on the Internet. In the video, the alpaca is seen eating Chongqing’s unique ingredient “chili powder” with a happy face, seemingly not feeling spicy. Netizens laughed and said, “This alpaca is quite Chongqing featured!”

The reporter came to the alpaca owner Ms. Yu’s barbecue restaurant, which is also the home of the alpaca “Rouwan’er”. When the reporter arrived at the restaurant, “Rouwan’er” was eating chili powder, which was all over his mouth. According to Ms. Yu, the alpaca is 10 months old and has never been given spicy food before. As a result, just half a month ago, “Rouwan’er” quietly ate chili powder and was very interested in onions, garlic and other hardcore foods. Ms. Yu also thinks that “Rouwan’er” has become a typical of Chongqing alpaca, as it has followed the customs of the region.

Ms. Yu told the reporter that she kept the alpaca because her son liked it, but she never expected that after she brought “Rouwan’er” to the barbecue restaurant, it would also be loved by many customers, which made her very delighted.

Now that “Rouwan’er” has become popular on the Internet, it has attracted more customers to visit. “Many customers also call me in advance and come to the restaurant when ‘Rouwan’er’ is around, then interact with ‘Rouwan’er’ while it eats.” Ms. Yu said that they also prepared a pet cage to keep “Rouwan’er” in captivity when it is inconvenient for customers, taking into account some customers’ concerns about dining safety.

“Hello? Is your alpaca there, please?” Before the interview was over, a customer on the other end of Ms. Yu’s phone said he couldn’t wait to come and see “Rouwan’er”... 

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An alpaca loving to eat chili powder becomes hot

2021-04-01 15:41:23 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, a short video of a Chongqing alpaca eating chili powder has become a hit on the Internet. In the video, the alpaca is seen eating Chongqing’s unique ingredient “chili powder” with a happy face, seemingly not feeling spicy. Netizens laughed and said, “This alpaca is quite Chongqing featured!”

The reporter came to the alpaca owner Ms. Yu’s barbecue restaurant, which is also the home of the alpaca “Rouwan’er”. When the reporter arrived at the restaurant, “Rouwan’er” was eating chili powder, which was all over his mouth. According to Ms. Yu, the alpaca is 10 months old and has never been given spicy food before. As a result, just half a month ago, “Rouwan’er” quietly ate chili powder and was very interested in onions, garlic and other hardcore foods. Ms. Yu also thinks that “Rouwan’er” has become a typical of Chongqing alpaca, as it has followed the customs of the region.

Ms. Yu told the reporter that she kept the alpaca because her son liked it, but she never expected that after she brought “Rouwan’er” to the barbecue restaurant, it would also be loved by many customers, which made her very delighted.

Now that “Rouwan’er” has become popular on the Internet, it has attracted more customers to visit. “Many customers also call me in advance and come to the restaurant when ‘Rouwan’er’ is around, then interact with ‘Rouwan’er’ while it eats.” Ms. Yu said that they also prepared a pet cage to keep “Rouwan’er” in captivity when it is inconvenient for customers, taking into account some customers’ concerns about dining safety.

“Hello? Is your alpaca there, please?” Before the interview was over, a customer on the other end of Ms. Yu’s phone said he couldn’t wait to come and see “Rouwan’er”... 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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