“Tapestry” park waiting for you in Chongqing
Recently, a mountain sports park with a maximum height difference of 70 meters has “stood out”.

“Tapestry” park waiting for you in Chongqing


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, a mountain sports park with a maximum height difference of 70 meters in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area has “stood out”. What is unique about the park? The reporter went to the scene to inquire.

The park is called Liangjiang New Area Mountain Sports Park, which is located in Huofeng Mountain, Renhe Sub-district, Liangjiang New Area. Entering the gate of the park, the reporter was attracted by a huge climbing wall. The climbing wall utilizes the original large side slope with a height difference of nearly 70 meters in the site, and adopts the garden technique of stacking stones to build the landscape. It not only beautifies the facade landscape, but also integrates the life scene “climbing hillside” of the people in Chongqing. From a distance, the wall looks like a giant tapestry hanging on the hillside, thus it is also called “tapestry” park by citizens.

Climbing up the steps along the climbing wall, the reporter saw a huge viewing platform. Looking down, the reporter found that basketball courts, badminton courts, rainbow slippery grass and skate paradises were scattered in the park.

Next to the viewing platform, the parent-child paradise was full of tourists. There is a large sandy area in the paradise, with seesaws and tire swings around. Although it was not a weekend, many parents still brought their children to come.

“There are a lot of recreation facilities, including parent-child paradise and skate paradise that children like as well as various sports fields such as badminton court that adults like. It is very suitable for the whole family to play together,” Mr. Bai told the reporter.

The reporter learned that as the first mountain sports theme park in Liangjiang New Area, the first phase of the project had been completed. Tai Chi square, yoga platform, cycling trail, jogging greenway and other sports scenes would be built in the future to meet the sports and fitness needs of people of all ages and in all time periods.

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“Tapestry” park waiting for you in Chongqing

2021-04-06 16:05:57 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, a mountain sports park with a maximum height difference of 70 meters in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area has “stood out”. What is unique about the park? The reporter went to the scene to inquire.

The park is called Liangjiang New Area Mountain Sports Park, which is located in Huofeng Mountain, Renhe Sub-district, Liangjiang New Area. Entering the gate of the park, the reporter was attracted by a huge climbing wall. The climbing wall utilizes the original large side slope with a height difference of nearly 70 meters in the site, and adopts the garden technique of stacking stones to build the landscape. It not only beautifies the facade landscape, but also integrates the life scene “climbing hillside” of the people in Chongqing. From a distance, the wall looks like a giant tapestry hanging on the hillside, thus it is also called “tapestry” park by citizens.

Climbing up the steps along the climbing wall, the reporter saw a huge viewing platform. Looking down, the reporter found that basketball courts, badminton courts, rainbow slippery grass and skate paradises were scattered in the park.

Next to the viewing platform, the parent-child paradise was full of tourists. There is a large sandy area in the paradise, with seesaws and tire swings around. Although it was not a weekend, many parents still brought their children to come.

“There are a lot of recreation facilities, including parent-child paradise and skate paradise that children like as well as various sports fields such as badminton court that adults like. It is very suitable for the whole family to play together,” Mr. Bai told the reporter.

The reporter learned that as the first mountain sports theme park in Liangjiang New Area, the first phase of the project had been completed. Tai Chi square, yoga platform, cycling trail, jogging greenway and other sports scenes would be built in the future to meet the sports and fitness needs of people of all ages and in all time periods.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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