Wanna experience the famous 4500-degree spiral stair in Chongqing?
A cliff stair with more than 1,000 steps has become popular at a scenic area in Chongqing.

Wanna experience the famous 4500-degree spiral stair in Chongqing?


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A cliff stair with more than 1,000 steps has become popular at a scenic area in Chongqing. It is learned that the cliff stair is located in Paotong Village, Linshi Town, Fuling District, and its center is of concrete-filled steel tube structure, and cylinder diameter 1 meter, and its whole structure is built against the cliff. It is worth mentioning that this is not only a scenic area for tourists, but also a “ladder to get rich”.

It is understood that the stair was put into use on April 2. Zeng Hao, Structural Design Engineer of Mexin Group, said the stair has more than 1,000 steps and is about 50 meters high. The stair is of steel plate structure, each step is of anti-skid design, and there are guardrails around it.

“I feel a little dizzy after walking up these steps, but it’s so funny.” Liu Lanshuang, a tourist who experienced the stair, said that it was beautiful from above. It is understood that from the outside of the “ladder to get rich”, people can see the beautiful scenery of Fuling Linshi Section of the Yangtze River.

In fact, apart from giving visitors a different experience, it is also known as the “ladder to get rich”, which provides convenience for 2,000 villagers of Paotong Village. Tuo Hongyuan, a villager in the third group of Paotong Village, often takes his agricultural products to sell in Mexin Red Wine Town. He said that in the past, it took more than 40 minutes to go to the scenic area by car via the winding mountain road; and after the construction of this stair, it saved about half an hour to go down.

Walking up the stair, you can see Paulowon Village International Eco-agricultural Tourism Demonstration Area where many villagers are managing the grapes for making wine. “Thanks to this stair, it’s much easier for villagers to go up and down mountains to sell local goods and grow grapes.” Wang Xiufu, Head of Community 3, Paotong Village, said that villagers in the village were very happy with the “ladder to get rich”. 

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Wanna experience the famous 4500-degree spiral stair in Chongqing?

2021-04-09 14:44:57 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- A cliff stair with more than 1,000 steps has become popular at a scenic area in Chongqing. It is learned that the cliff stair is located in Paotong Village, Linshi Town, Fuling District, and its center is of concrete-filled steel tube structure, and cylinder diameter 1 meter, and its whole structure is built against the cliff. It is worth mentioning that this is not only a scenic area for tourists, but also a “ladder to get rich”.

It is understood that the stair was put into use on April 2. Zeng Hao, Structural Design Engineer of Mexin Group, said the stair has more than 1,000 steps and is about 50 meters high. The stair is of steel plate structure, each step is of anti-skid design, and there are guardrails around it.

“I feel a little dizzy after walking up these steps, but it’s so funny.” Liu Lanshuang, a tourist who experienced the stair, said that it was beautiful from above. It is understood that from the outside of the “ladder to get rich”, people can see the beautiful scenery of Fuling Linshi Section of the Yangtze River.

In fact, apart from giving visitors a different experience, it is also known as the “ladder to get rich”, which provides convenience for 2,000 villagers of Paotong Village. Tuo Hongyuan, a villager in the third group of Paotong Village, often takes his agricultural products to sell in Mexin Red Wine Town. He said that in the past, it took more than 40 minutes to go to the scenic area by car via the winding mountain road; and after the construction of this stair, it saved about half an hour to go down.

Walking up the stair, you can see Paulowon Village International Eco-agricultural Tourism Demonstration Area where many villagers are managing the grapes for making wine. “Thanks to this stair, it’s much easier for villagers to go up and down mountains to sell local goods and grow grapes.” Wang Xiufu, Head of Community 3, Paotong Village, said that villagers in the village were very happy with the “ladder to get rich”. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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