5,000 people gather in Banan to dance
More than 5,000 people from 154 teams were “dancing to meet friends” in Banan Gymnasium.

5,000 people gather in Banan to dance


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- More than 5,000 people from 154 teams were “dancing to meet friends” in Banan Gymnasium... At 19:00 on May 1, 2021 China Chongqing Sports Dance Open and Chongqing Team Selection Competition began in Banan Gymnasium. Sports dance elites from all over Chongqing competed in the standard dance and Latin dance events in the two-day competition.

Qin Ling, Vice President of Chongqing Sports Dance Association, said that with the continuous development of sports dance in Chongqing, more and more people actively participated in it. “Since the start of the competition, it has become relatively popular; 154 teams from primary and secondary schools, universities, sports dance associations of each district and county, sports dance training centers, clubs and other units in Chongqing have participated in the competition with a total number of more than 5,000 participants,” Qin Ling said.

It is worth mentioning that in order to facilitate participants, parents and spectators to fully understand the competition process and watch the exciting moments in time, the Organizing Committee has displayed the grand occasion in a timely, comprehensive and three-dimensional manner through the video and picture live broadcast during the event; and the live broadcast link of details could be obtained by following the WeChat official account of Chongqing Dance Sports Association. At the same time, the Organizing Committee also set up a large LED screen outside the competition venue to facilitate the public to stop and watch the live broadcast of the competition. 

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5,000 people gather in Banan to dance

2021-05-07 14:57:05 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- More than 5,000 people from 154 teams were “dancing to meet friends” in Banan Gymnasium... At 19:00 on May 1, 2021 China Chongqing Sports Dance Open and Chongqing Team Selection Competition began in Banan Gymnasium. Sports dance elites from all over Chongqing competed in the standard dance and Latin dance events in the two-day competition.

Qin Ling, Vice President of Chongqing Sports Dance Association, said that with the continuous development of sports dance in Chongqing, more and more people actively participated in it. “Since the start of the competition, it has become relatively popular; 154 teams from primary and secondary schools, universities, sports dance associations of each district and county, sports dance training centers, clubs and other units in Chongqing have participated in the competition with a total number of more than 5,000 participants,” Qin Ling said.

It is worth mentioning that in order to facilitate participants, parents and spectators to fully understand the competition process and watch the exciting moments in time, the Organizing Committee has displayed the grand occasion in a timely, comprehensive and three-dimensional manner through the video and picture live broadcast during the event; and the live broadcast link of details could be obtained by following the WeChat official account of Chongqing Dance Sports Association. At the same time, the Organizing Committee also set up a large LED screen outside the competition venue to facilitate the public to stop and watch the live broadcast of the competition. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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