Warm tips about taking Two Rivers Tour ship
During the May Day holiday, Chongqing “Two Rivers Tour” attracted many foreign tourists.

Warm tips about taking Two Rivers Tour ship


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- During the May Day holiday, Chongqing “Two Rivers Tour” attracted many foreign tourists. Recently, Chongqing Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Corps and the Youth League Committee of Chongqing Port and Maritime Affairs Center jointly carried out volunteer activities at Chaotianmen Wharf, and released “Two Rivers Tour” boarding and bus guidance to serve tourists.

According to traffic law enforcement officers, during this May Day holiday, tourists taking Two Rivers Tour cruises at Chongqing Chaotianmen Wharf have exceeded that of the same period in 2019. From May 1 to May 3, a total of 116 Two Rivers Tour cruise-times were dispatched, carrying more than 60,000 passengers safely.

In order to provide better travel services for tourists, young volunteers from Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Corps and the Youth League Committee of Chongqing Port and Maritime Affairs Center provided free mineral water, emergency medicines, masks, etc. for tourists at Chaotianmen Wharf, and handed out the “Two Rivers Tour” boarding and bus guide map to facilitate tourists to travel.

The reporter saw that the location of Chaotianmen Wharf and the information of the docked cruises were introduced in detail with pictures on the “Two Rivers Tour” boarding and bus guide map. At the same time, the surrounding bus lines were sorted out to facilitate tourists to travel.

Traffic law enforcement officers reminded that real-name management would be implemented in “Two Rivers Touri”; passengers must bring valid documents such as ID cards when buying tickets and boarding the cruise and cooperate with the real-name inspection; and if the ticket, person, and card were inconsistent, the boarding would not be allowed.

At the same time, passengers should strictly abide by the requirements of boarding and cooperate with the on-site staff to carry out security inspection; and they were strictly forbidden to carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, controlled knives and other contrabands on board.

It is necessary to remind that during the cruise, passengers should wear masks and cooperate with the COVID-19 prevention and control such as temperature measurement. 

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Warm tips about taking Two Rivers Tour ship

2021-05-08 14:42:20 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- During the May Day holiday, Chongqing “Two Rivers Tour” attracted many foreign tourists. Recently, Chongqing Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Corps and the Youth League Committee of Chongqing Port and Maritime Affairs Center jointly carried out volunteer activities at Chaotianmen Wharf, and released “Two Rivers Tour” boarding and bus guidance to serve tourists.

According to traffic law enforcement officers, during this May Day holiday, tourists taking Two Rivers Tour cruises at Chongqing Chaotianmen Wharf have exceeded that of the same period in 2019. From May 1 to May 3, a total of 116 Two Rivers Tour cruise-times were dispatched, carrying more than 60,000 passengers safely.

In order to provide better travel services for tourists, young volunteers from Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Corps and the Youth League Committee of Chongqing Port and Maritime Affairs Center provided free mineral water, emergency medicines, masks, etc. for tourists at Chaotianmen Wharf, and handed out the “Two Rivers Tour” boarding and bus guide map to facilitate tourists to travel.

The reporter saw that the location of Chaotianmen Wharf and the information of the docked cruises were introduced in detail with pictures on the “Two Rivers Tour” boarding and bus guide map. At the same time, the surrounding bus lines were sorted out to facilitate tourists to travel.

Traffic law enforcement officers reminded that real-name management would be implemented in “Two Rivers Touri”; passengers must bring valid documents such as ID cards when buying tickets and boarding the cruise and cooperate with the real-name inspection; and if the ticket, person, and card were inconsistent, the boarding would not be allowed.

At the same time, passengers should strictly abide by the requirements of boarding and cooperate with the on-site staff to carry out security inspection; and they were strictly forbidden to carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, controlled knives and other contrabands on board.

It is necessary to remind that during the cruise, passengers should wear masks and cooperate with the COVID-19 prevention and control such as temperature measurement. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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