Self-service lending bookcases in CRT stations
In the Jiaochangkou station, the new self-service lending bookcase in the crowd looks particularly eye-catching.

Self-service lending bookcases in CRT stations


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- With the continuous extension of CRT lines, the travel of Chongqing citizens has become more convenient. How to make better use of the “fragment time” on the way? Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Group Railway Group, together with Yuzhong District Library, has set up free self-service lending bookcases at Niujiaotuo Station and Jiaochangkou Station of CRT Line 2 to make the railway traffic in mountain city Chongqing overflowing with the “fragrance of books”.

The reporter saw in the Jiaochangkou station, the new self-service lending bookcase in the crowd looks particularly eye-catching. A total of 96 books can be stored in the bookcase, including novels, children’s books, professional books, tools and other categories. The public can scan the QR code on the bookcase with their cell phones to borrow and return the books for free.

According to the station security Tian Zuoqi, Chongqing Railway Transit combines theoretical learning with convenient services, providing the public with practical facilities by putting the “self-service lending bookcase” together with Yuzhong District Library in the railway stations. “Since the trial operation in mid-March, many people take a minute or two to borrow books conveniently by taking a break from rail transit. And through the background network monitoring, the library will also regularly refill various books.” Tian Zuoqi said that it not only extended the physical space of the library, giving off the charm of “Book Fragrance in Chongqing”, but also created a strong cultural atmosphere and further enhanced the public’s interest in reading.

The reporter learned from the Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Railway Group that, from the public’s concern about the “self-service lending bookcase” and the enthusiasm of borrowing books in recent times, this convenient measure has been generally welcomed by the public. Next, the group will contact and coordinate with the libraries, according to the rail transit station passenger flow and site conditions, and it will gradually extend the “self-service lending bookcase” to other lines of rail transit.

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Self-service lending bookcases in CRT stations

2021-05-19 14:32:08 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- With the continuous extension of CRT lines, the travel of Chongqing citizens has become more convenient. How to make better use of the “fragment time” on the way? Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Group Railway Group, together with Yuzhong District Library, has set up free self-service lending bookcases at Niujiaotuo Station and Jiaochangkou Station of CRT Line 2 to make the railway traffic in mountain city Chongqing overflowing with the “fragrance of books”.

The reporter saw in the Jiaochangkou station, the new self-service lending bookcase in the crowd looks particularly eye-catching. A total of 96 books can be stored in the bookcase, including novels, children’s books, professional books, tools and other categories. The public can scan the QR code on the bookcase with their cell phones to borrow and return the books for free.

According to the station security Tian Zuoqi, Chongqing Railway Transit combines theoretical learning with convenient services, providing the public with practical facilities by putting the “self-service lending bookcase” together with Yuzhong District Library in the railway stations. “Since the trial operation in mid-March, many people take a minute or two to borrow books conveniently by taking a break from rail transit. And through the background network monitoring, the library will also regularly refill various books.” Tian Zuoqi said that it not only extended the physical space of the library, giving off the charm of “Book Fragrance in Chongqing”, but also created a strong cultural atmosphere and further enhanced the public’s interest in reading.

The reporter learned from the Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Railway Group that, from the public’s concern about the “self-service lending bookcase” and the enthusiasm of borrowing books in recent times, this convenient measure has been generally welcomed by the public. Next, the group will contact and coordinate with the libraries, according to the rail transit station passenger flow and site conditions, and it will gradually extend the “self-service lending bookcase” to other lines of rail transit.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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