Parent-child themed marathon launches on Nanbin Road
Last Sunday, Chongqing’s first parent-child themed marathon event was launched on Nanbin Road.

Parent-child themed marathon launches on Nanbin Road


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Last Sunday, Chongqing’s first parent-child themed marathon event, the Chongqing branch of 2021 “Passionate Youth” Children and Youth Fitness Theme Event and Chongqing Children’s Day Happy Run was launched on Nanbin Road. Over 1000 groups of families celebrated Children’s Day through sports.

It is learned that the event is part of Chongqing International Marathon series and the first parent-child themed marathon in Chongqing.

The reporter learned on the site that the marathon started at the entrance of Dongyuan 1891 on Nanbin Road, and went through Longmenhao Old Street, Danzishi Old Street, Ciyun Temple, Dongshuimen Bridge and finally back to Dongyuan 1891, covering a distance of about 4.2km. There was no ranking and no prizes, but in order to motivate people and enhance the participation experience, a timing service was provided for all participants.

Rather interestingly, the commemorative medals for the event were distributed in a blind box. The four medals with childhood memories such as the Clockwork Frog, Bubble Gum, Young Pioneer Label and Lollipop as the main elements are innovative and childlike in design. In addition, 10 children who had their birthdays a few days before and after June 1 and their families were invited to a fun birthday party to watch a dance and magic show and share a birthday cake together.

It is understood that in addition to the offline activities, the 2021 “Passionate Youth” Chongqing Children’s Day Happy Run will be held from June 1 to June 30, with the theme of “Happy Run Season”. Runners can find out more information through the official WeChat account “Chongqing Marathon”. 

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Parent-child themed marathon launches on Nanbin Road

2021-06-01 15:09:13 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Last Sunday, Chongqing’s first parent-child themed marathon event, the Chongqing branch of 2021 “Passionate Youth” Children and Youth Fitness Theme Event and Chongqing Children’s Day Happy Run was launched on Nanbin Road. Over 1000 groups of families celebrated Children’s Day through sports.

It is learned that the event is part of Chongqing International Marathon series and the first parent-child themed marathon in Chongqing.

The reporter learned on the site that the marathon started at the entrance of Dongyuan 1891 on Nanbin Road, and went through Longmenhao Old Street, Danzishi Old Street, Ciyun Temple, Dongshuimen Bridge and finally back to Dongyuan 1891, covering a distance of about 4.2km. There was no ranking and no prizes, but in order to motivate people and enhance the participation experience, a timing service was provided for all participants.

Rather interestingly, the commemorative medals for the event were distributed in a blind box. The four medals with childhood memories such as the Clockwork Frog, Bubble Gum, Young Pioneer Label and Lollipop as the main elements are innovative and childlike in design. In addition, 10 children who had their birthdays a few days before and after June 1 and their families were invited to a fun birthday party to watch a dance and magic show and share a birthday cake together.

It is understood that in addition to the offline activities, the 2021 “Passionate Youth” Chongqing Children’s Day Happy Run will be held from June 1 to June 30, with the theme of “Happy Run Season”. Runners can find out more information through the official WeChat account “Chongqing Marathon”. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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