Primary school teachers and students play flash mobs
This activity was jointly held by Zhonghualu Primary School and Open Class Magazines.

Primary school teachers and students play flash mobs


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the theme flash mobs of Chongqing Yuzhong District Zhonghualu Primary School dedicated to the centenary of the party were recorded at Tongyuanmen. The event took the opportunity of the 110th anniversary curriculum presentation of the school as an opportunity to start a unique creative tribute.

This activity was jointly held by Zhonghualu Primary School and Open Class Magazines. About 200 teachers and students of Zhonghualu Primary School participated in the preparation and recording of the flash mob activity, which attracted many citizens.

The activity began with the dialect storytelling of the city wall, which introduced us to the Zhonghualu Primary School, which was born under the city wall of Tongyuanmen 110 years ago.

Then, in the tacit understanding of teachers and students, a very innovative and immersive art performance began: The symphony orchestra opened the preface; The artistic gymnastics team will incorporate the choreography into the accompaniment situation; The entrance of the reciting team lit up the theme of the centenary of the founding of the Party. The chorus led all the teachers and students to sing Under the Bright Sun, which brought the atmosphere to a climax. 

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Primary school teachers and students play flash mobs

2021-06-09 14:28:59 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the theme flash mobs of Chongqing Yuzhong District Zhonghualu Primary School dedicated to the centenary of the party were recorded at Tongyuanmen. The event took the opportunity of the 110th anniversary curriculum presentation of the school as an opportunity to start a unique creative tribute.

This activity was jointly held by Zhonghualu Primary School and Open Class Magazines. About 200 teachers and students of Zhonghualu Primary School participated in the preparation and recording of the flash mob activity, which attracted many citizens.

The activity began with the dialect storytelling of the city wall, which introduced us to the Zhonghualu Primary School, which was born under the city wall of Tongyuanmen 110 years ago.

Then, in the tacit understanding of teachers and students, a very innovative and immersive art performance began: The symphony orchestra opened the preface; The artistic gymnastics team will incorporate the choreography into the accompaniment situation; The entrance of the reciting team lit up the theme of the centenary of the founding of the Party. The chorus led all the teachers and students to sing Under the Bright Sun, which brought the atmosphere to a climax. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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