
Chongqing News

My head teacher is a PE teacher

2020-11-02 14:42:31

As a PE teacher, being a class’ head teacher is a big challenge for Guo Qi. In addition to being familiar with students' physical quality, she must also spend more time communicating with relevant subject teachers, understanding the academic situation of each student, and then communicating with parents. Her "all-in-one skills" can teach parents how to relieve their children's emotions, so that children can also adjust their living and learning state at home.

Guo Qi is also a mother. In her eyes, every student is like her child. As a mother, a head teacher and a PE teacher, she hopes that every student can study and live happily. This is also her "original intention" to carry out the career as a class’ head teacher. (Translated by Zeng Chenxi, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei